Domain Registration, Hosting, and Email Services Policy

Domain Registration Policy

  1. Domain Ownership: Clients retain full ownership of their registered domains as long as they comply with our terms and conditions.
  2. No Transfer Out: We do not allow the transfer of domains to other web service providers. This ensures seamless management and security of your domains.
  3. Renewal and Expiry: Clients are responsible for renewing their domains before the expiration date to avoid any disruption in service.

Hosting Services Policy

  1. Flexible Hosting Packages: Clients can change their hosting packages based on their evolving needs. This includes both upgrades and downgrades.
  2. Package Upgrades/Downgrades: We provide seamless transitions when upgrading or downgrading hosting packages. Any adjustments to billing will be reflected in the next billing cycle.
  3. Resource Management: Clients are expected to manage their allocated resources within the limits of their hosting package to ensure optimal performance and avoid service disruptions.

Email Services Policy

  1. Email Account Setup: We provide easy setup for email accounts associated with your domain. Clients can manage their email accounts through our user-friendly interface.
  2. Email Security: We prioritize the security of your email accounts by implementing robust security measures, including spam filtering and malware protection.
  3. Storage Limits: Each email account has a predefined storage limit based on the selected hosting package. Clients can manage their storage or upgrade their package if additional storage is needed.

General Policy Points

  1. Support Services: Our dedicated support team is available to assist clients with any technical issues or questions related to domain registration, hosting, and email services.
  2. Data Privacy: We are committed to protecting your data. All personal information and data related to your services are handled with strict confidentiality and in compliance with relevant data protection laws.
  3. Billing and Payments: Clients are billed according to their selected services. We provide clear and detailed invoices, and clients are expected to make timely payments to avoid any interruptions in service.
  4. Service Availability: We strive to ensure maximum uptime and reliability for all our services. In the event of planned maintenance or unexpected outages, we will communicate with clients promptly.


By adhering to these policies, AzAd Solutions aims to provide reliable and flexible domain registration, hosting, and email services to support your online presence and business growth.

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