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Jalal ud Din Khwarzam - Urdu Subtitles

The screenwriter and producer of the Turkish famous series Resurrection Ertuğrul, Mehmet Bozdağ is now producing Mendirman Jaloliddin (Jalaluddin KhwarazmShah).

Jalaluddin Khwarazm Shah (Mendirman Jaloliddin) with Urdu Subtitles is based on the true history of Jaloliddin Abul-Muzaffar Manguberdi ibn Muhammad, who was the last ruler of the Khwarezmian Empire from the Anushtegin Dynasty. Ala ad-Din Muhammad II was his father, who was killed by Genghis Khan.

The first season of the Mendirman Jaloliddin (Jalaluddin KhwarazmShah) series will be consisting of 13 episodes with running time of 1 hour for each. Filming of Mendirman Mendirman Jaloliddin (Jalaluddin KhwarazmShah) series has completed. The site of the shooting is a plateau in Riva which is the same as of the Ottoman series. Emre Kıvılcım will be playing the major role of Jaloliddin Manguberdi (Jalaluddin KhwarazmShah) in the first season.

Mendirman Jaloliddin (Jalaluddin KhwarazmShah) series will cover the history that how Jaloliddin Manguberdi defeated the Mongol Empire in the Battle of Parwan and later tried to defend his empire until his death. The series will also cover some areas alongside the Indus River in Pakistan. Pakistan had already made a TV series named “Akhri Chattan” about this personality back in 1985 CE.

Mendirman Jaloliddin all Episodes with Urdu Subtitles available here:

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